
Advantages and Disadvantages of Mixing Personal and Professional Relationships

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When it comes to mixing personal and professional relationships, a person must take careful consideration before deciding to mix these relationships if they are to be mixed at all. While merging personal and professional relationships may have positive aspects, there are also some damaging pitfalls that a person may encounter. There are several upsides to merging one's professional and personal life. For instance, one may be able to develop and expand upon existing professional relationships through personal relationships that will benefit both parties. For example, if a small, start-up IT company is looking to expand their customer base through media and advertisement, and they have a very limited budget, it may be beneficial for them to look to establish a working business relationship based on personal connections with an advertising company. Personal relationships between an IT and an advertising company can be mutually beneficial as the two companies may grow to rely on each other. Mutually beneficial relationships such as this allows for the establishment of new business opportunities, collaboration between peers in contrasting fields, and possibly allows both businesses to work with each other at a reduced rate that may benefit their budgetary restrictions, if any are in place. However, there appear to be more downsides to mixing personal and business relationships. One of the most obvious ways that the mixing of personal and professional relationships emerges is

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