
Advertising Old Spice Opens With Isaiah Mustafa

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The commercial “Questions” advertising Old Spice opens with Isaiah Mustafa also known as the man your man can smell like in nothing but a towel. He starts by addressing the women of the world with a suggestive “hello ladies” and continuing to further question women on what they want in a man. It then uses the power of rhetorical strategies such as ethos and pathos, with humor and gender stereotypes to connect with the target audience and convince them Old Spice is the product for them. The narrator initially addresses women appealing to their desire to make their man more attractive, while targeting men who want to be more attractive to women. Old Spice commercials offer little logic or statistics to back their product, however their use of sex appeal and humor play into peoples emotions perhaps making them feel insecure which has proven to be highly effective in selling this brand.
As the commercial asks, “so ladies should your man smell like an Old Spice man?” Well who wouldn’t want an adventurous guy that seems to be the perfect man? The use of ethos to establish a strong character in this commercial is overwhelming; Isaiah himself is a former NFL player (Mustafa). Mustafa has defining attributes like chiseled abs and broad shoulders; he has a deep voice and a bearded face helping him to truly embody the image of a real masculine man. He is both physically fit and attractive embodying the image every man strives to be by establishing himself as a perfect man he has made

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