
Advertising : The Uses Of Advertising In Advertising

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Advertising began before America was colonized, it has always been used as a way to sell goods and get the name of your product out. Companies put up posters, billboards, and give out samples of their products to make their product seem to be the newest and the best you can buy. The idea of advertising has never changed, it puts out the idea that one product is better than another. Companies use strategies that we do not realize to attract us to their product. Such as cigarette franchises would make smoking look cool by having famous actors and actresses smoking their product on a poster or in a commercial. One company in particular called Lucky Strike, a cigarette company, used some hidden rhetoric strategies in their advertisements. To get consumers to purchase their cigarettes they have a young, pretty women pose for the poster, they use certain colors to make the customer to feel comforted by the product, and they use specific words to get the point that their cigarettes are the best a person can buy.
Peer pressure causes people to go with the majority more than they realize, humans want to fit in and to not be different from the rest of population. Generally, if people see a celebrity wearing a certain dress or jeans those people will go and buy that dress or those jeans, it is because they want to be doing what everyone else is doing. Luckies has a pretty, young woman pose with a cigarette between her fingers, they do this to make it seem like smoking is an okay thing

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