
Advertising - a Necessary Evil?

Decent Essays

Advertising - a necessary evil? By Brigitte Heyer "Advertising is the art of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it." Stephen Leacock Every business needs advertising, like it or lump it. Although there are some geniuses around who have the knack to get it right, for most people effective advertising is a long, and often costly, learning experience. You soon learn what does and doesn't work, and try bravely to withstand the lure of clever, well-trained reps working under the whip to get your dollars. In this article I want to give you some helpful hints regarding ads in print - whether on a flyer, in a magazine, newsletter or paper, the strategy needs to be the same. First of all - does the print medium target the …show more content…

You want to make it inviting, alluring, enticing and interesting, without having visitors get entangled in the vines of your honeysuckle, or falling over coppers logs and getting scratched by your rose bushes in the process! I see well-phrased ads with text squashed right against the sides. Or ads with all the right elements, plus the recommended 75% resting space, that look like your sewing cabinet after your toddler has been at it - bits and pieces all over the place! A well-designed ad is like a piece of art, you could almost frame it. You don't get tired looking at it. Before you place your next ad-tention getter, make a plan. See yourself as the intended recipient. Get some advice. And say goodbye to wasted dollars on space not used to the best of its capacity. Advertise we must – but how we do it, makes all the difference. OzBizCartoons ® Ph (02) 6238 2141 E-mail:

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