Rebecca Rodriguez Communication Skills II, HUSB 232- S1 Yasotha Sriharan May 2015 In the stories “Clothes” and “Affair” by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, The Themes 1. Feeling beautiful 2. Tasking risk 3. Americans. I feel like any relationship you are in whether it is Marriage, friendship etc., you are always hoping for the best. Wanting to feel beautiful, loved, excitement, sadness any emotion you can think of. I feel like people are always analyzing other relationships that they see and want to build their relationship on that. In my Hispanic culture we necessarily don’t get married we can be in a relationship for a very long time and not need that piece of paper saying we are married. Nothing is changing once you sign that paper. I see friends get married or be in relationship’s for all the wrong reasons and end up hurt, betrayed and other work out wonderfully. I just hope for m kids and my friend’s kid’s generation, once they are in a relationship they do it of themselves and no one else and be open with their partner. Now a days no one complaints on anyone. I hope that …show more content…
Relationships are similar to a seesaw, as the seesaw tips according to the persons sitting on the two sides; a love relationship can also lean according to the mentality of the couple in the said relationship. All they both want is what every woman wants to be loved feel special and have a fairy tale ending. They end up with the same end result learning how to love themselves in the end and not needing a man. Love and the pattern of relationships will often be fashioned on a person’s upbringing and the family life they experienced. While a person may have come from a loving home with parents who respected each other, shared responsibilities and managed to stay married, this will perhaps be the kind of relationship they will want for
Besides, I also learned that even though marriage is popular, the social norms governing marriage have become weaker. This happens may be because there is a change from institutional to companionate marriage and also there is a larger emphasis on marriage meeting individualistic and self-fulfilling need. People hold many expectations on marriage. People expect marriage can help
Marriage has been a heated controversy for the past few years because people often marry for the wrong reasons. Anyone who thinks of an ideal marriage would think of two people loving each other and sharing a personal bond or goals together. Marriage is regularly defined as the legally or formally recognized union of two lovers as partners in a personal relationship. This definition remarks there is an actual connection between two people in marriage, but do people actually consider this when committing to “love” and “support” their partners forever? As research and studies have shown, people ultimately get married for many reasons, except love. This philosophy can be easily applied to the short poem, “Marriage” by Gregory Corso. In this emotional poem, the author argues marriage is more effectively understood or known for culture and convenience rather than through the abstract considerations of love. Here, we can identify people generally decide to marry for the incorrect reasons, for instance the story of the author himself. Corso finds himself confused multiple times, wondering if he should marry to not be lonely, for tradition and for his physical and mental health. He disregards love, a relationship or a connection with his future wife. General ways of convenience like loneliness, health and economic status between cultural stereotypes and religion are usually the true reasons of why people chose to have the commitment of marriage with another person.
In the western world marriage is not doing great. Statistics have shown that in the U.S. 50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second, and 73% of third marriages end in divorce. This sombers my heart and so many people out in the world looking for love. All too often do you hear stories of families getting mauled apart by the spark of love dying. Generations not learning what true happiness and what love really is going forward towards a future of loss. Think of the wonders you would have by changing how society views marriage, less broken homes, more personal
The relationship between women and men might be complicated for some while sometimes even a really loving relationship cannot survive if people chose their personal longing as a priority. Women and men fight in relationships; fight for more independence, fight to prove their worthiness and keep forgetting that love is not a fight but a mutual support.
As stated in our text, various factors can bind married couples together, such as economic interdependencies, legal, social and moral constraints, relationship, and amongst other things. In the recent years some of these factors have diminished their strengths. The modern generation sees marriage in a different perspective altogether. Individuals today feel they are stable independently, they do not need to rely on their spouse for emotional or financial support. Many are career driven and soar to conquer their dreams over settling down with a family. Such untraditional views have increased divorce rates.
In years past, the American Dream for most young girls’ is to grow up and be married to Prince Charming and to “Live Happily Ever After!” Although this may be expected - it is rarely fulfilled. Marriage is the legal and binding union between a man and woman. Yet when couples marry, they vow to stay by their partner’s side ‘till death do us part.’ Currently that vow seems to have little or no value in today’s society. The current statistics for survival of marriage are quite grim. The divorce rate in the United States is somewhere between 50 percent and a startling 67 percent. (KSL News) One contributing factor the growing epidemic of divorce is the parting of different family
Love, love, love; the only thing everybody talks about. Every movie, every series, every story talks about how two people fall in love and live happily ever after. All stories get to the conclusion that the love the couple shared was unique and that the two lovers matched perfectly together. But what happens when two lovers do not belong to the same social class? What happens when they don’t share common things they like? Are they not meant to be? “In love everything is possible”, someone once said. When someone is in love, he/she would make everything that he/she cans to make his/her lover happy and
Prince Charming, Romeo Montague, and Edward Cullen—all create a hopeful image in a young girl’s mind of finding her own fairytale prince and have a happy ending. However, can a person really spend the rest of his or her life with the same person? Sometimes, the qualities that seem appealing at first can turn traitors when the bond lasts long term. Marriage—the official name given to the life-long relationship two people choose to go into—provokes deep-thinking. Though people have confidence in their relationship, they are often proven wrong. A love-based marriage should not present an option when choosing a life partner. Define love. A feeling? A psychological problem? An illusion, perhaps? The cycle goes on: People get married, divorced,
Love is defined as an intense feeling of deep affection. Although it is not as easily defined as some may make it. Every situation and the lessons we learn from those times, help to form what we believe love to be. For some it may be a physical attachment that others degrade to lust. For some it may be their reason for continuing on in life; but overall for most, love is what drives our lives. From childhood to adulthood we seek to find relationships that will fulfill our hearts and make our short time on Earth a little more enjoyable. However as well as any other activity we partake in, ways in which we perceive love and marriage have changed over time. Although there is slight variations, when most imagine the life of a married couple pure happiness is what is expected. As wonderful as that expectation may be, not every marriage fits into this ideal. The criteria of marriage used to be based off of what your partner can offer you. However as times have changed and gender roles have begun to disappear, marriage has now
We must bear in mind that generally, in long-term relationships, the interests of women and of men are totally different. In long-term relationships, men would prefer women who are younger and physically attractive as sign of reproductive worth, and who are sexually likely to be loyal and committed as measures of fatherliness assurance. On the other hand, in long-term relationships, women put in great esteem a man who has big aspirations, ability to earn money, and professional titles. Furthermore, women do not like to be poor prospects or who lack of formal education, (Buss & Schmitt, 1993). However, the decision if whether a couple would remain together depends greatly on each other’s level of commitment: relationship satisfaction, relationship, and comparison level of alternatives, (Aronson, Wilson, & Akert,
Eva once married to BoyBoy left her after five years of womanizing and alcohol abuse, leaving her with her kids and no money to take care of herself, let alone the children. Rekus dying leaving Hannah alone. Nel and Jude getting married so Nel has someone to take care of, Jude only wanting someone to take care of him and then Sula comes in and ruins their marriage by having the affair with Jude ruining their already unhappy marriage. Finally, Sula tries to find love but gives up and becomes promiscuous and ends up alone until she meets a man named Ajax but he leaves her because he isn’t ready to be tied down so instead of it always being Sula who rips down the emotional walls of men Ajax does it to her and leaves her because he isn’t ready for commitment and marriage, giving Sula a little taste of her own medicine. Being in a relationships means both people need to be on the same page and want the same things, if not you’ll catch love and affection being shown differently. In this case, Eva and Boy Boy's marriage involving children and a marriage but all he was focused on was womanizing, alcohol and
The stark divide between love and marriage shown right the way through cannot be comprehended fully by the twenty-first century reader: in today’s society marriage and love are mutually exclusive - you very rarely get one
Most Americans don’t marry young, more Americans are cohabitating before marriage, unmarried with children, not all marriages are created equal, and it’s true that the divorce rate is at fifty percent, but it does not mean what you might think…
Wisdom gained from the American culture can be confusing. Especially when the topic turns to love the numerous variables can lead to misunderstanding. Looking past the fact that we are seen as an individualistic culture, the concept of love, specifically romantic love, is one typically lost. Despite the dramatization of romantic love in our culture rampant with mixed media illustrating the feeling of a loving relationship love as an action has the potential of being overlooked. The mainstream view possibly could be that love and marriage is purely based in emotions. It is safe to presume that most have the common knowledge that marriage has a 50% success rate. With 40- 50 percent of marriages ending in divorce in the United States and subsequent marriages having an even higher rate (Marriage & divorce, 2015)
One theme that is apparent is everyone seems to be marrying the wrong partner. They are unaware of the mate that would be a perfect match for them and chose a person based on unrealistic ideals. In a time that people commonly married for obligation rather than love, everyone is marry for love and yet end up lacking love in marriage. If trust is a foundation for marriage than it can certainly destroy it as we can see in Middlemarch.