
Affair Short Story Summary

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Rebecca Rodriguez Communication Skills II, HUSB 232- S1 Yasotha Sriharan May 2015 In the stories “Clothes” and “Affair” by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, The Themes 1. Feeling beautiful 2. Tasking risk 3. Americans. I feel like any relationship you are in whether it is Marriage, friendship etc., you are always hoping for the best. Wanting to feel beautiful, loved, excitement, sadness any emotion you can think of. I feel like people are always analyzing other relationships that they see and want to build their relationship on that. In my Hispanic culture we necessarily don’t get married we can be in a relationship for a very long time and not need that piece of paper saying we are married. Nothing is changing once you sign that paper. I see friends get married or be in relationship’s for all the wrong reasons and end up hurt, betrayed and other work out wonderfully. I just hope for m kids and my friend’s kid’s generation, once they are in a relationship they do it of themselves and no one else and be open with their partner. Now a days no one complaints on anyone. I hope that …show more content…

Relationships are similar to a seesaw, as the seesaw tips according to the persons sitting on the two sides; a love relationship can also lean according to the mentality of the couple in the said relationship. All they both want is what every woman wants to be loved feel special and have a fairy tale ending. They end up with the same end result learning how to love themselves in the end and not needing a man. Love and the pattern of relationships will often be fashioned on a person’s upbringing and the family life they experienced. While a person may have come from a loving home with parents who respected each other, shared responsibilities and managed to stay married, this will perhaps be the kind of relationship they will want for

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