
African American Gospel Music Essay

Decent Essays

General introduction into Gospel Music
American Gospel music is founded in the African American church. It has a deep culture in America. It is used as an outlet for people who have been oppressed, beaten down, and persecuted. Gospel music acts as a source of inspiration for those who had all but given up. It speaks of the various trials and struggles they’ve undergone, and how they were able to overcome. Is also used as a form of praise and worship, giving thanks to the Lord. The term “gospel” means “the good news.” Gospel music is used to tell the good news of the salvation people have received from the Lord, rescuing them from all of the trials and struggles of the world. Gospel music has been influenced by genres such as jazz and blues. It is a combination of many different forms of music, producing a new and unique type of sound.
The African American Spiritual—The roots of American Gospel Music
American gospel music is an descendent of the African American …show more content…

It utilizes a call-and-response format. In this format, the deacon will sing about two lines with ornamentation, and the congregation will respond using various different techniques that were used by Africans to decorate their songs. (The Story of Gospel Music: The Power In The Voice) Gospel music contains many different harmonies within a piece, as well as the use of syncopation. Another key characteristic of gospel music is the use of repetition in the pieces.
Influence of gospel music and the impact it has had
Gospel music is an elegant form of worship. It has been used to speak out against oppression and to advocate for freedom and equality for all. Gospel Music is exemplary of music being used to change the world. Gospel music and the various artists associated with it have had a monumental impact on the face of our

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