
African American Oppression In Canada

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“You’re nothing but a dog… not a thing but a dog" (Hughes, 1944). Comparing a human life to a mutt was the reality for many that were enslaved in Canada. In comparison to Canada's southern partner, The United States, we are seen as a community that has always contained equality; but this ideology could not be more distorted. Canadians are blindly following this misconception that racism is not prominent in Canada; although the history of the nation evidently shows that this unjust practice was inflicted upon multiple ethnic groups. Naturally, there are specific groups that are burdened by this issue more than others. Such as the African Americans who migrated to British North America, hoping that they would be granted freedom and equality. …show more content…

But the reality was that they would have to agonize through another bitter era of being scorned by the other settlers. The most apparent form of discrimination in the 1790's was the enslavement of blacks. "Around 3,000 enslaved men, women and children of African descent"(Henry, 2008) were brought into British North America at this time. They were deemed as "chattel property (personal possessions)" (Henry, 2016) to their owners and were lashed with whips if they were to disobey. From the 1600's to mid-1800's the blacks in British North America would undergo an equal amount of discrimination as the United States. The blacks being characterized as "personal property" is a clear signification that they had little to no power or rights within this nation. In this pitiless era, they were not even considered to be "people" and so their right to vote, write, read, protection by the law, and any other freedoms held by full citizens were all stripped without negotiation. These inequalities continued into the 1800’s. Being among "the first settlers to inhabit within Shelbourne, Nova Scotia,” (Collins, 2004) the black loyalists gained the right to reside in this settlement and establish their own community. Although, this is not what ensued. White citizens and soldiers in the area found it arduous to acquire jobs and in result "took up arms, forcing many people [of African ancestry] to flee to Birchtown"(Ince, 2017) for their safety. This was recorded as "the first race riot" (Ince, 2017) in North America. As Birchtown was named a free settlement for the recently enslaved African Americans, they should all be granted the right to work, and the payment should be equitably distributed despite the race of the individual. Prior to the riot, the Africans were already minimally paid for equal hours of the same work. Evidentially, the whites found themselves as

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