
Airline Transportation Has Become The Most Important Part Of The Modern Transportation System

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Airline transportation has become the most important part of the modern transportation system because of the nature of benefits it presents to the society and the other industries and fields that depends on it. Airline industry is undoubtedly critical in creating a new global economy in which is growing at a faster rate. Airline transportation is very essential today because it supports other industries through its globalization objectives that are good for the businesses and organizations around the globe. These needs in terms of business opportunities creates pressure for both the plane manufacturers and the airline companies in which drives them into increasing innovations, inventions and investments that satisfy consumers. Emirates Airlines is one of such airline companies that have capitalized on this opportunity to grow into a global company. It has grown to become the successful airline in the world and the largest in the Middle East region (Emirates, 2012). The Emirates Group which also manages the airline is based in Dubai. The group was founded in 1985 launching a strong foundation in aviation, tourism, travel and leisure industries. Emirates Airlines Company is part of the United Arab Emirate government. The government played a critical role in the formation of the company which was way in which it could enhance growth of the carrier network of the airline company to a substantial level. Emirates Airlines main activity is basically in the provision of commercial

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