
Alfred Adler

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Psychology has had a plethora amount of psychologist that had an impact on the science from Sigmond Freud, to Erik Erikson. These scientist have paved the pathway for psychology and made it a very important science that has branched out to many occupations. Alfred Adler, in particular, had big influence in the Neo-Freudian perspective and brought his own theories that was severely different from any other Neo-Freudian. His theories are still being taught and some of his aspects are still being used in some fields. Alfred Adler was born in Vienna on February 7, 1870 and had a rough childhood. As a child, he was extremely frail and contracted multiple diseases that almost ended his life; which were rickets and pneumonia (Howard Friedman, 2012). …show more content…

His theory, Individual Psychology, went more in depth on how people created their personality and focused more on the individual. Individual Psychology is a theory that stresses on motivations of a person and how a person can fit in their respective society (Howard Friedman, 2012). His theory was based upon striving to be superior, lifestyle, social interest, family constellation, fictional finalism, the creative self, masculine protest, interpretation of dreams and the theory of psychotherapy (Who was Alfred Adler , 2015). Some of these concepts were based upon his upbringing such as the inferior and superiority complex, and organ inferiority due to him being frail and sick as a child. He believed that everyone had a physical weakness and the body accommodated, some people felt inferior which made them feel helpless, or that people felt so inferior that they had to mask their feelings and act with arrogance. Adler was also one of the first psychotherapist to remove the iconic couch that psychologists use for two chairs (About Alfred Adler , n.d.). He did this because wanted the patient and the clinician to feel equal towards one another. He believed that the patient might have felt inferior to the clinician due to the couch and one chair …show more content…

The role of birth order is still taught and preached around today. People still follow this theory and made this theory the benchmark for sibling attributes. However, the Individual Psychology can be misleading in some aspects. This theories main criteria is the superiority and inferiority complex and unfortunately it doesn’t go into more nurture aspects such as environment, which can also shape up an individual’s attitude. Alfred Adler was an interesting psychologist to pick due to his past, and how that affected his theories as an adult. It is also unique to see how Adler’s disagreement with Freud led to his theories on individual and their personalities. Overall, Adler had a big influence on psychology and his contribution as a Neo-Freudian caved many other theories that explain

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