
History of Modern Psychology Essay

Decent Essays

A History of Modern Psychology
PSY 310
Andrea Terpstra
March 15, 2010
Lillian Fillpot

A History of Modern Psychology The history of psychology is in infancy at the present time. Many philosophers can be credited to the development of this science. Starting in the early 18th and 19th centuries philosophers such as Rene’ Descartes and John Locke opened the world of what we know as psychology today. The British empiricists also contributed to psychology. Some of these men include David Hume and David Hartley.
Psychology has a long past, yet its real history is short. –Hermann Ebbinghaus 1908
Key Issues in Psychology’s History A psychologist/historian from Wellesley College named Laurel Furumoto brought attention to what she …show more content…

This is known as comparative psychology (Goodwin p. 10).
Personalistic versus Naturalistic History A person who views history as the actions of individuals is what brought about history believes in personality views, whereas a person how believes the culture and intellectual environment of a particular history era believes in the naturalistic history (Goodwin p. 10)

John Locke (1632-1704), George Berkeley (1685-1753), David Hume (1711-1776) and David Hartley (1705-1757).

Locke's views on how knowledge is gained and how humans understand the world was the beginning of associatism. Though Locke did not mature the doctrines of associatism he was involved with its infancy. Locke's views on child education are linked with twentieth-century behaviorism.

Berkeley's focus was on analysis of sensory perceptions. Berkeley also believed that human perceptions are judgments dependent on experience. David Robinson a historian of psychology stated, "Berkeley rendered epistemology a branch of psychology, and the two have never been divorced since" (1981, p. 228).

Like Berkeley David Hume also believed that understanding is rooted to experience. Hume developed the three laws of association: resemblance, contiguity and cause/effect. Resemblance is an object reminds and individual of another object or thing through similarity. Contiguity means experiencing things together. Cause and effect is

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