
Algonquian Research Paper

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What is the right way to spell ‘‘Algonquian’’?
The right way to spell it can be two different ways. One way is Algonquian. The second way is Algonkian. Those are the two different ways.
How many tribes does the Algonquian? The Algonquian has Abenakis, Blackfeet, Cheyennes, Crees, Gros Venire, Illini, Kickapoo, Lenni Lenape/Delaware, and the Lumbees. There are a lot more than that actually, but I chose these.
Where do Algonquians live? The Algonquians live throughout the United States, from California to Maine, and throughout Southern Canada, from Alberta to Labrador. Remember some tribes were forced to move after the Europeans arrived.
What is Algonquian culture like and how was it used?
Each Algonquian tribe had different cultures and different traditions. Most Algonquian’s made brichbark or dugout canoes for transportation. Northern Algonquian tribes used snowshoes and dogsleds to travel in winter. …show more content…

In most tribes, each band lived in a village of a small round buildings called wigwams. Algonquian tribes of the Great Plains used tepees for shelter instead of wigwams. Some North-eastern Algonquians built long houses like the Iroquois. The California Algonquians lived in redwood-plank houses.
What was Algonquian clothing like?
Traditional clothes, headdress, and hairstyles were different in every tribe, and Algonquian Indians could tell each other’s identify from their style of dresses. Algonquian men generally wore breech cloths with leather leggings, and Algonquian women wore skirts or dresses.
What was Algonquian food like?
Algonquians tribes in different climates eat different food. Some of the foods are corn, squash, and beans. Some hunters chase elk and moose and the women collect vegetable’s and nuts. Some people from the Western Algonquian hunted buffalo and most Algonquian Indians hunted turkeys, rabbit, and

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