
Alien In The Planet Ginny Quotes

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“A true friend accepts who you are but also helps you become who you should be seeing what is really inside you.” This quote connects with the book, it shows a real friend can see what really is inside of someone and all the pain they feel,how they try their best to find out what is wrong with that person and find a way to help them, not just leave and give up. In the ‘Only Alien In The Planet” by Kristen D. Randle,Ginny who is the main character of the story meets Smitty who has trouble speaking and communicating with others . But, Ginny knew something was wrong with him and she decided to help him, make him a better person. throughout the story she learned that helping someone can change lots of things and she feels good about herself …show more content…

She had meant someone named Hally. But when she went to her english class, Some caught her attention she explained, “ I glanced back over my shoulder, and that was the first time i saw Smitty Tibbs.” (chapter 1) This shows how she was starting paying attention around her, around her new class. Ginny also thinks to herself “ I never got the pleasure of embarrassing Scott Holyoak. I never even saw him. It was the boy in the far corner of the front row that caught me by the eyes and made me forget just about everything else in the world.this unearthly, beautiful boy.” This shows the moment how Smitty Tibbs caught Ginny's eyes, that Ginny had this feeling about him and did not care about everybody else in her class but him. Ginny thoughts kept growing, she explains “ it was something in his face that got to you, he had sort of angelic air, clear and distant and pure, like he’d never had a bad thought in his life. And strange there was something really strange about him”. This shows how her curiosity about the Guy in the front corner ,Smitty Tibbs kept growing and kept getting her attention the only thing she had in her mind was Smitty Tibbs and all her thoughts, she was not paying attention on what was going on around

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