
The Darling By Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Decent Essays

All throughout time women have been seen as lesser equals to men. For most individuals it has been a natural instinct to assume the roles of women. However, making these assumptions is degrading and unjust. While some women try and object the status quo, others accept it and continue on with their lives. In “The Darling” by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, the protagonist Olenka can be seen as a prime example of the “perfect” women. In Chekhov’s short story, a young Russian woman named Olenka marries twice after the death of each husband. Soon after each husband passes, Olenka begins to isolate herself until she discovers a new person to fall in love with. This pattern reveals that Olenka relies on others for satisfaction and acceptance. The …show more content…

However, when Kukin went on a short trip to Moscow, Olenka was left alone and was restless without him. Olenka loved Kukin and had soaked in every single bit of him, but without his presence she was left at a standstill. After she had received the news of his death, Olenka was devastated and had nothing exciting to live for. And for a second time, a man in her life whom she cherished had died. However, after only three months of grieving, Olenka had met another male figure in her life named Vassily Andreitch Pustovalov. For Olenka, this had once again given her the optimism to see through a fulfilling future with a partner by her side. Immediately after meeting Vassily, a timber merchant, she befriends him and becomes infatuated with his presence. The speaker goes on to state that “After seeing Olenka to her gate, he said good-bye and went on. All day afterwards she heard his sedately dignified voice, and whenever she shut her eyes she saw his dark beard. She liked him very much” (Chekov). In these lines it is evident that Olenka was desperate for affection once again, and craved to be desired by someone else. Finding such an immediate connection when meeting someone for the first time is odd, especially considering her husband had just passed three months prior. To no surprise Vassily visited Olenka three days later, which ensured her that a marriage was to be arranged. Just as in Olenka’s

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