
Allegory Of The Cave Analysis

Decent Essays

The Allegory of the Cave, written by Plato, depicts how prisoners are confined to a the surface of a world they do not know, only by sight, viewing shadows they see in the outside world. Readers know that there is more beyond the cave, because we have the knowledge of the outside world and what is beyond the cave.
The world would be a very different place if every person understood the idea of The Allegory of the Cave. This allegory gives people the understanding that there is more out there than what you see in the surface layer. Question the world and its factors is not something that every person in the world is capable of. If people were able to understand that there is more than what meets the eye, the world would not be so black and white. There would most definitely be less conflict, as people would be more understanding as there is more than the outer surface of a situation. Curiosity would be the basis for many people’s mindsets, the thirst to learn would be more common and there would be a larger need for education in society. With the understanding that there is more to the world than what one individual may see, people would probably …show more content…

If there is no structure or label to things or people, there is no way to classify individuals into groups. These groups would consist of gender, sex, race, colour, etcetera… Without these classifications, sexism, racism, and discrimination would not exist. This is due to the fact that people would not have the knowledge to classify people into groups or social constructs. Without actually knowing, you cannot act. Saying this, people would understand that there would not necessarily be a “right and wrong”. If people do not know the difference as to what is “correct” and “incorrect”, people could not classify people, actions, or thoughts into these categories, giving people the freedom to do whatever they

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