Hello, There are two Altura leadership meetings for next week. Both calendar invites have been sent out to several participants. I brought this up on Tuesday, but never heard anything until this morning. One of the meetings is scheduled for Monday and the other one for Wednesday. In their meeting calendar it says it should be Wednesday, but if they’re ready for Monday then the agenda needs to go out today. I have the following questions: Did they confirm their meeting calendar? Who is Altura’s point of contact at so I may call and confirm one of the meetings? To avoid sending agendas late or missing meetings, I would suggest taking a proactive approach by addressing any duplications them during our daily touch base so we may communicate
Please look there to make arrangements to attend all chapter meetings. Per our contact you are to attend all Chapter meetings! I understand that some absences will occur however, many of you are missing meetings on a regular basis.
Thankyou for your attendance we look forward to seeing you on our next meeting. Contact if unable to attend.
My name is Jorge and I will be helping you out with your meeting since Ashley is going to be out of the office. I was not able to confirm a time for the meeting so if you do not mind can you please let me know what time it was scheduled for and I will be there. Looking forward to hear from you.
Upon mutual agreement, the Board Retreat will be held the retreat on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 after 5:00 P.M. Meeting invitation will be send as soon as the location is confirmed.
The 4th Quarter Medical Executive Committee Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. The meeting will be held in the Private Dining Room. Breakfast will be provided.
It's a topic that many presidential candidates are addressing on the campaign trail, and now one local Assemblyman is discussing it Albany. Assemblyman Phil Palmesano introduced legislation to make college more affordable Wednesday.
Please email Nan with the dates she can come speak at your next group meeting. Please cc Anjail when sending this information.
The wind was whipping fiercely when Nikki Maratea, her younger sister Alex, and Nikki's 3-week-old son Derrian went to catch an elevated train in Philadelphia near the home they shared with their mother. Thinking she had put the brake on the stroller, Nikki, 20, let it go to argue with the cashier, who insisted she pay the $2 fare before moving to the platform. A moment later Alex, then 10, looked toward her nephew—but he and his stroller were gone. "I said, 'Nikki,'" Alex recalls, "'where's the baby?'" They could hear Derrian's cries, but saw no sign of him. "Then," Alex says, "I looked down." What she saw was a nightmare: The stroller, blown by the wind, was lying on the tracks, about four
Send me a meeting invite that fits into your schedule, my calendar has not yet been filled up with events.
The next face to face meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 5/11/17 at 10:30am at Daytop.
1: A management meeting for 12 section managers is due to be held on Tuesday, 24 November commencing at 9.30am and finishing at 4.00pm. The CEO of the company will attend.
Amobi, it to my understanding that you are to schedule a meeting with vendor for configuration of Security Mentor. My team is telling me that they need more information about a request for SSO metadata. A meeting with the vendor needs to be done so my team can ask question about the requirement. When will the meeting be schedule? .
Sexual thoughts pop in and out of most people’s mind, but especially teenagers, and there’s nothing they can do about it. It is normal for teenage boys and girls to experience this, more than ever when they are hitting puberty. The hormones in the body begin to act up and teenagers want to experience other things on their own. Males begin to grow pubic and facial hairs, and their voice starts to deepen, while girls’ breasts begin to develop and their body begins to take shape. After hitting puberty, teenagers are now at the point where they want to experience things. ‚Don’t go out there and get pregnant‛ a mother
For thought and discussion -- Pat Dowling continues to ask if we can do the Advisory Board meeting on Day One before the USCC board dinner. I have a view, let’s talk at a convenient time.