
Alveolar Gas Exchange Lab Report

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The interrelationships between alveolar gas exchange and alveolar-arterial partial pressure gradient of oxygen, carbon dioxide and oxygen haemoglobin saturation by comparing normal breathing, hyperventilation and hypoventilation in university students.

Ventilation, the process for gas exchanging between lungs and air, involves the inhalation and exhalation to maintain homeostasis. After inhalation, the first gas exchange takes place in alveoli. Due to the difference in partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) between the bloodstream and the alveoli, oxygen dissolves to diffuse into the bloodstream and carried by the red blood cell (Blide et al., 1961). As soon as the hemoglobin approaching to the target tissues, peripheral gas exchange occurs again for the difference in partial pressure. In a similar process, carbon dioxide, a metabolic waste diffused from the tissues and partially formed as bicarbonate, eventually is to be removed by exhalation at alveoli (Johnson, 2008). …show more content…

As the gas exchange is a continuous process throughout the whole body, a reduced inhalation means the amount of oxygen supply is reduced but an increase in CO2 due to less effective removal via fewer exhalations. In contrast, hyperventilation is characterized as faster respiration, thus, the O2 in blood is relatively higher but lower in CO2 for its fast

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