
Amazon's Quest For Same Day Delivery

Satisfactory Essays

Amazon has done significantly more than turn into a stellar retailer. It has reevaluated, upset, reclassified, and remodeled the worldwide commercial center. Amazon has created three elements with how they have approached the consumer market which is through fulfillment centers, Amazon Prime, and Amazon Fresh. I am going to analyze on how Amazon has captured its consumer’s desire for not just the less expensive prices, but their fast delivery, and how it has created programs that will satisfy the consumer demands. I will also justify on whether or not Amazon will succeed in its quest for same-day delivery. I am a huge fan and shopper of Amazon. This is one company that continues to grow and prosper.
Amazon’s mission is to be the World’s most customer centric company and the lowest cost customer centric online marketplace. “ has been an innovator in developing the ability to personalize the buyer’s shopping experience. By tracking each customer’s purchases, it is able to identify groups of shoppers who share similar preferences” (Finch, 2012, sec. 13.2). This enables Amazon to use other consumer purchasing patterns and product rating to create lists of recommended purchases that are similar customers are likely to have an interest in (Finch, 2012, sec. 13.2). The fact that these anonymous referrals are drawn from the feedback and buying behavior of colleague customers adds credibility to the recommendation (Finch, 2012, sec. 13.2).
Amazon offer’s the

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