
American Dream Happiness

Decent Essays

The American dream, what is it? It’s consists of a family, house, cars, and other luxury items. How did it become this way? Why do we pursue it? The reason is because we, and I don’t just mean Americans, have been conditioned to feel this way. It all comes down to advertising. The consistent imagery of the perfect family with the beautiful house, and multiple cars through TV commercials, magazine ads, the media, you name it, it’s all around us. It’s to the point where it can alter our consciousness. It can alter it to the point where the American dream is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. For myself though, the American dream is all about happiness.

Where do we start? What is happiness? Is it freedom? Is it success? Is it possessions? …show more content…

When I was a young boy, seven to be exact, my mother died of liver cancer. That destroyed me inside, it still does to this day, but the love she had for me keeps me up and going. Again I can’t say for sure what love is, but the feeling of love I perceived from my mother has connected her to me more than any other human being I have ever met. One memory I remember better than any other memory I have is a memory from my seventh birthday. My mother gave me three choices and I was to choose one. She said “Dominic, I know you want a lot for your birthday, but I can only give you one. You may have a Nintendo 64, go to Dutch Wonderland, or you can stay a night at the Red Caboose Motel. Which would you prefer?” Being a young boy and do to the fact I fell in love with The Legend of Zelda series, I chose the Nintendo 64. When my birthday finally came around I got that Nintendo 64, along with the other two choices. I know this sounds a bit adverse considering I am trying to promote love over materials, but It wasn’t about the things she gave me. The thing that has the most impact is knowing she didn’t have the money to give me everything I wanted, but did anyway. I would have been happy with anything as a child, but my mother went out of her way to make sure I got everything I wanted with money she didn’t

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