Since 2010, the American Red Cross (ARC) annual expenditures on domestic relief services have been between $250 million and $400 million with majority of the donations coming from private donors. Additionally as of 2015, approximately 90% of the Red Cross workforce during disasters were comprised of volunteers. 2014 the Red Cross saw an enormous influx of expenditures as a result of Hurricane Sandy. This national disasters tested the overall efficiency of the Red Cross Operations since the Hurricane Katrina debacle. One of the significant issues raised by the society was the lagged response time of the ARC. One the reasons for this delay was due to the uncertain of the responsibilities between the ARC and the Federal Emergency Management Agency
For decades, America has fought in many different wars with the need of health assistance for their soldiers. The American Red Cross is a worldwide organization that helped during the times of war but also provided a path for scientific advancements. Through the American Red Cross and other organizations of this time, they opened up the doors for women to take the chance to advance in the medical field by participating in scientific experiments and being at the aide of wounded soldiers. During this time of scrutiny, the Great War was a hidden opportunity for the encroachment of medical research with the contribution to the expansion of nursing.
Undoubtedly, the American Red Cross has done many wonders over the course of its existence. Whether it is providing relief from disasters, aiding the less fortunate nationally and internationally or saving lives with their blood program, the Red Cross has always been there to help the world become a safer place to live in. Most recently, this organization has had a strong impact in the recovery of “Superstorm” Sandy and Hurricane Isaac, providing food and water, multiple shelters for people that have lost their homes and even counseling during such a devastating time (“Top 20 Accomplishments”).
Organizations over the past few decades have come to realize two things, there are a limited number of people in the government that are able to respond to natural disasters or large scale disaster effectively and that the government only has so many available resources to offer during a time of crisis. Another fact is, that private sector companies and non-profit entities, such as the Red Cross, have the ability to be more prepared due to their vast network of stores and distribution centers and their leisure, they indeed do have a unique responsibility
Now don’t get me started about Hurricane Irma! The International Federation of the Red Cross has released emergency funds to ensure a rapid donation request. Irma’s torrential rains and winds have flooded towns and roads, and destroyed homes and buildings. The Red Cross is marshaling their resources
If the damage is widespread for example, like a flood not only will state, federal and governmental resources be provided the American Red Cross will too be accounted for. Usually emergency officials advise businesses and families to prepare to help themselves at least for the next 72 hours after a crisis or disaster strikes. The main focus of company such as the Red Cross during hard times is creating a plan to rescue, find and temporarily house individuals while providing them with food and water and medical care as needed.
The American Red Cross Association which still helps people today. Eleven years ago hurricane Katrina caught everyone by surprise. The Red Cross responded by having, “More than 245,000 Red Cross disaster workers assisted millions of people with…basic needs. The Red Cross provided more than 3.8 million overnight stays in shelters… served more than 68 million meals and snacks… [and] provided emergency financial assistance to 1.4 million families”(“Red Cross”). This proves that Clara Barton’s amazing organization is still helping millions today. She organized the Red Cross to help people after her many hardships and war experiences. The organization still helps people in the hardest parts of their lives. The Red Cross helps with mental and physical health, assisting people in recovery plans, behavioral programs to help the vulnerable, and making sure survivors, of all situations, make a good recovery. The American Red Cross helps people when they need it most. The program helps people with every social, political, ethical, and health background and status. The program helps people get out of a big unexpected turns in their lives when they needed it most. “The American Red Cross shelters, feeds, and provides support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that saves lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports
The goal of the organization is to make sure people have a hot meal, clean water and a safe haven in during difficult times. American red cross answers someone in need every 8 minutes” Disaster Relief", 2016” American Red Cross is the only charity to operate at this level. According to "Disaster Relief" (2016), " the Charity responds and help 65000 people annually”, over 95 percent of their disaster relief workers are volunteers, and 90 percent of the disaster they respond to is residential fires ”. Created in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller.
The leader needs to instill urgency into the workers and volunteers of the ARC. Taking an organization that’s on its knees requires great cooperation, initiative, and willingness to make sacrifices from many people (Kotter, 2011). Based on the case study, the ARC lacks all these characteristics for change to occur. It needs to look how to improve its response times, how to become more efficient in collecting denotations and how to prioritize and quickly distribute the donations it receives in a fair and efficient manner. It needs to hold its leaders to a higher standard that will instill a culture of high moral standard in its employees and volunteers. Once the nation sees a change in the behavior of the ARC they will be more willing to give donations and their time to support disaster relief efforts.
Imagine being a soldier during the revolutionary war. There is no one to help you, and there is no doctors to save your life. Since the American Red Cross was founded, the organization has helped millions of people ranging from war to natural disasters.. The American Red Cross provides a range of services in the United States by giving emergency assistance, blood, disaster relief, and education. Also, the Red Cross feeds the volunteers, helps families contact each other, provides blood to disaster victims, and helps those affected by disaster to access other available resources. Their mission is empowering ordinary people to perform extraordinary
The American Red Cross is a non for profit, congressionally chartered organization. Its primary focus is to give help anywhere that is needed both here and abroad. The American Red Cross uses its resources, time, and money to help five major areas, which are aiding people affected by disasters in American, supporting members in the military and their families, collecting blood for process and distribution, health and safety education and training, and international relief and development (American Red Cross). The Mission Statement of the American Red Cross is “The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors” (American Red Cross).
The American Red Cross (ARC) is an organization that was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton and established itself as the most well-known emergency relief organization devoted to the care of war victims, disaster victims, and the suffering worldwide. Unfortunately, the ARC has been plagued with a high executive turnover, slow response to disastrous events, and mismanagement of donation funds. These problems now have the ARC facing another problem, fixing their credibility for the future.
The American Red Cross is a major organization in the United States and around the world. Clara Barton founded the American chapter in 1881. She was a public servant who decided to get involved during the civil war by attending to wounded soldiers and feeding them on the battlefield. Her sense of humanitarian work was only strengthened by her trip to Europe during the Franco Prussian war, where she discovered the initiative of Henri Dunant (Reitman, 1996). After the battle of Solfinero, this Swiss banker was shocked by the carnage of war and decided to gather doctors and volunteers around the village to help tend to the wounded. This action motivated him to create a nonpartisan organization that can focus on caring for people wounded in wars and conflicts regardless of their origin. (Reitman, 1996). The organization was ratified in the 1864 Geneva Convention by twelve countries and later by many others. The United States Red Cross was founded due to the efforts of Barton in Washington (Reitman, 1996). The first chapter of the national American Red Cross was created in upstate New York. Later, the organization received funding to create its national headquarters in Washington. Since then, the Red Cross has benefited form a close relationship with Washington as it was created by congressional charter more than a century ago and plays a
In the past, the Red Cross Association has dealt with controversy from its corrupt leadership to its reputation surrounding possible fraud. O.C. Ferrell, John Fraedrich and Linda Ferrell (2015) defines the American Red Cross (ARC) as an independent organization who’s mission is to “provide relief to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies” (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2015). In recent news, Hurricane Matthew made its way to the United States in October 2016. The category 4 storm was expected to damage the Southeast coast of the United States including Florida and South Carolina (Bacon, 2016). While many residents took precautions and acknowledged the state of emergencies that were put into place,
Whether it is a local flood or a national disaster, there is always one organization there to help, the American Red Cross. Each year the organization turns down no one in need, benefits 70,000 people in disaster relief, along with saving three lives every time a person donates blood. The American Red Cross has evolved through the years and is still known as one of the most important nonprofit organizations in the world.
The American Red Cross is not funded by the government. It is an independent entity that is organized and exists as a nonprofit, tax-exempt, charitable institution. The ARC is the nonprofit organization it is today because of donations given from people all around the world. When there is a national disaster, the ARC is at the tragedy working to help families. ARC’s presence at these tragedies reassures people that their donation is being put to help fund a good cause. The ARC utilizes social media to draw attention to major national disasters such as Facebook and Twitter. They also have created videos on how donations and the aid of Red Cross has assisted multiples families worldwide. With these