
Personal Selling With Clients Case Study

Decent Essays

Personal Selling to Contributors The American Red Cross is not funded by the government. It is an independent entity that is organized and exists as a nonprofit, tax-exempt, charitable institution. The ARC is the nonprofit organization it is today because of donations given from people all around the world. When there is a national disaster, the ARC is at the tragedy working to help families. ARC’s presence at these tragedies reassures people that their donation is being put to help fund a good cause. The ARC utilizes social media to draw attention to major national disasters such as Facebook and Twitter. They also have created videos on how donations and the aid of Red Cross has assisted multiples families worldwide. With these …show more content…

Competitors Use of Personal Selling with Contributors Much like the American Red Cross, America’s Blood Centers are also not funded through the government. Instead, individual donors are the main contributors who provide the funding for all of ABC’s activities. Similar to ARC, ABC has to depend heavily on their personal selling to ensure stable donations come in.
Personal Selling Recommendations ARC and ABC have established strong marketing tactics for themselves, with ARC’s use of social media to set them forward and ABC’s focus on bringing in sponsors and individual donations. In order to stand out even more, ARC should continue to enhance their social media tools because social media has proven to be quite impactful. ARC should also continue connecting with other corporations and companies to bring more sponsorships in. By highlighting the corporations and showcasing what the collaboration does for people, people will see that their money is spent for a good reason. Reaching out to corporations and donors both can push ARC become the top organization to help people everywhere who needs their help.
Direct Marketing American Red Cross’s direct marketing plays a small yet influential part of ARC’s IMC strategy. Keeping up with technology now, ARC has a strong following on their social

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