
Amusing Ourselves To Death By Greg Beato

Good Essays

In "Amusing Ourselves to Death," Greg Beato compares and contrasts The Onion to traditional newspapers and determiness why the former is more successful. First, while newspapers scramble to add extras that will make their content more engaging to readers, The Onion focuses on making fake news and only on the readers which makes them naturally engaging to their target market. As a result, it has a 60% increase in print circulation for the past three years (Beato para. 5). Second, while the news are usually not entertaining, The Onion is "fun to read"(Beato para. 6). Many journalists find "humor" as the opposite of seriousness, so they cannot embrace the same entertaining value as The Onion (Beato para. 7). Also, while traditional …show more content…

He held a special memory for pay phones as one had been instrumental in his long-distance relationship with his girlfriend (now wife) as well as many intimate events in his life. On the one hand, pay phones were "instruments of torture" because they need to be fed with "fistfuls of change" and the operator was a hindrance between the caller and the target person (Frazier 4). Likewise, pay phones were also victims of torture, particularly when the line got cut, and as a result, "pay phones were always getting smashed up, the receivers shattered to bits against the booth..." (Frazier 5). Furthermore, pay phones had a "touch of seediness and sadness" as people from all walks of life, including criminals, the poor, and businesspeople, use them for social, business, and mundane functions (Frazier 6). On the other hand, people usually talk on the cell phone and not at them (Frazier 7). Also, people usually use their cell phones when moving and "took the transience the pay phone implied" (Frazier 6). Cell phones are like fancy toys unlike the pay phone that may have held deeper social and emotional connections, such as a place for experiencing break-ups and sharing good news (Frazier 11). Finally, cell phones make the private very public when people are around and can easily listen to these calls , whereas pay phones have booths and walls, capable of creating a private boundary for intimate calls (Frazier …show more content…

First, children grow up having fewer and fewer friends of the opposite sex which separates their social universe and makes less knowledgeable of each other's communication beliefs, values, and practices. Second, parents and other institutions teach boys and girls differently in how to handle their emotions (Goleman 3). Parents talk about emotions with their daughters more than their sons (Goleman 3). In fact, "mothers tend to display a wider range of emotions to daughters than to sons" and discuss emotional states in greater detail with girls than boys (Goleman 3). If they do talk about emotions with sons, they are focused on anger and its consequences, a topic removed in discussions with girls (Goleman 3). Likewise, girls usually develop their language skills more quickly then boys, so they become more experienced in expressing their feelings, unlike boys "for whom the verbalization of affects is de-emphasized, may become largely unconscious of their emotional states, both in themselves and others" (Goleman 4). By the time kids are 13 years old, girls have developed sophistication in handling negative emotion with their "vicious gossip" and "indirect vendettas," while boys simply resort to aggressive confrontation mechanisms (Goleman 5). Moreover, girls focus on their intimate social networks when playing, while boys are geared

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