
An Apple A Day Ethics

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An Apple a Day Ethics
Across the Professions (page 156). Rude, inconsiderate, nightmarish physicians are described in the case study entitled, “An Apple a Day” from our text, Ethics Across the Professions (page 156). Physicians have a moral obligation to their patients. Even though physicians have pressures in their jobs the moral obligations should not be compromised. Recently surveys have been put into place in order to evaluate physicians. According to the case study, they have not been proved to be effective. We are going to look at a personal case of a physician who has no regard for his moral obligations to his patients. We will also discuss what moral obligations physicians have and discuss how to make physician …show more content…

When he is at the hospital he will not see a patient by himself, he must have a nurse present at all times. This is due to the fact that patients and/or families have reacted negatively towards him in the past. He will not give permission to discharge a patient from the hospital before seeing the patient that day even if he has seen the patient for a few days and is aware of the situation. He routinely comes to the hospital after office hours around 7:00 pm. Therefore, all of the patients that have him on their healthcare team are discharged after 7:00pm. I have had the doctor refuse to see patients because they don’t have the correct insurance. This doctor appears to feel no moral responsibility to his patients. Physicians have a unique set of moral obligations. The general public sees physicians as experts in their fields. They have gone to school for many years to gain knowledge that the average person does not have. Therefore, the average person naturally has a respect for physicians. Physicians have moral obligations to patients. Patients assume physicians keep current with the latest in the medical field. They are morally obligated to do their best for their patients, be an advocate for their patients and freely share the knowledge that they have. They should order the correct tests, make the correct diagnosis and create the best individualized treatment plan for their patients. They

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