Journal of Promotion Management, 16:467–479, 2010
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1049-6491 print / 1540-7594 online
DOI: 10.1080/10496491003659563
An Examination of Sales Promotion Programs in Hong Kong: What the Retailers Offer and What the Consumers Prefer
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China
University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
This study gives an insight into the retailer’s capability of managing sales promotion by examining the sales promotion programs offered by Hong Kong cosmetic and toiletry
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Value-adding promotions including free gifts, samples, loyalty schemes, or competition are often overlooked. These types of sales promotions may play a more positive role of adding entertainment value for what is paid (Wakefield & Barnes,
1996). Lichtenstein, Netemeyer, and Burton (1995), on the other hand, classified sales promotions into price or non-price promotions. Notwithstanding, price-based value increasing promotions have the potential to erode the image of the company as consumers often use price as a surrogate measure of quality (Tellis & Gaeth, 1990).
In contrast, value added promotions tend to offer the customer “something extra,” which might provide the customer with extra incentives to purchase the product (Peattie & Peattie, 1995). Along that line, the central
An Examination of Sales Promotion Programs in Hong Kong
premise of the research by Chandon, Wansink, and Laurent (2000) is that the value that sales promotions have for brands or for customers is related to the value. Several researchers (Henderson, 1987; Schneider & Currim, 1991) claim that sensitivity to different types of sales promotion might explain different promotional responses. Following this rationale, the primary objective of this study is to focus on the sales promotion techniques offered by Hong
Kong cosmetic and toiletry retailers and to determine to what extent
The company must factor in that each of their customers has lifetime value, a greater value than a small gain made on first sales. With competition in their sector, more penetration pricing would be appropriate. The penetrating pricing strategy would only make sense to retain customers; the pricing strategy must realize lifetime value, (University of Phoenix, 2011).
The entire purpose of promoting products is to create awareness, persuade and inform customers about your product or service while identifying key features compared with competitive products. There are many benefits of performing successful promotion such as increasing sales and acquiring a greater market share, showing your products features and exposing competitive product’s flaws, teaching the market benefits of your product, explaining different usage of your product, conveying your brand image of your organisation and promoting new and improved features of your products.
What makes a person a good person? John Proctor is a strong Puritan whose character traits symbolize the values of his community. John Proctor faced many problem including his reputation. John is honorable because he is hardworking, a man of integrity, in spite he cheated.
Promotion Decision- Retailer’s use and or all five promotions tools- advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations
Some promotions will invoke a call for action amongst customers. There will be instances when promotions will make potential customers to make important decisions. For instance, SlingTV has their promotional sale that only lasts for one day in September. The pressure from SlingTV will make consumers jump onto the sale as quick as possible. This tactic will motivate future consumers to be aware of the deals that SlingTV may have to offer. However, this maneuver may have given new customers a very small window of opportunity. But at the same time, the date of the promotion was posted on the independence day of several Latin American countries. This tactic could invoke respect from potential customers. In addition, this maneuver demonstrates how the television provider has knowledge of their target audience. This gives them major credibility in the minds of potential customers. But at the same time, the one day sign up availability makes SlingTV look desperate for potential customers. However, the promotion can be interpreted differently by the audience they’re reaching. In addition, SlingTV may garner respect from their potential customers since the offer is free. Some individuals may be hesitant towards switching to a new television service. This promotion gives new customers the option to test and potentially keep SlingTV as their main
Does lower cost equate to getting a better value or does the quality of what you receive have better value? This is the customer’s subjective evaluation of benefits relative to costs to determine the worth of a firm's product offering relative to other product offerings (Ferrell & Hartline, 2014). Numerous people have purchased all-inclusive vacation packages offered via Groupon.
In the United States, there is a mass shooting that kills four or more people every twenty-three hours. Gun violence has risen to epidemic proportions. The United States has allowed guns to become so easily accessible that in four out of five states anyone, even someone without a gun license, can buy an unregistered firearm from a private vendor. It has also become incredibly easy to be approved for a gun in most states. Currently it is more difficult to get a driver's license, even with extensive testing, than it is to own a firearm. We, as a nation, cannot expect to progress far if we don't even moderately control the flow of firearms that is flooding into the streets. We have the capacity to fix this and create a safer country for everyone.
Promotions, marketing, and advertisements are typically created to acquire and retain consumers and to sell large quantities of a product. Every consumer may have a different perception of the same marketing tactic. This paper will discuss a promotion that was experiences personally, to what extent it changed or influenced my behavior, if the decision to purchase or not purchase would have been made either way, if it would have been different in some way, and what the seller could have done differently so that I would have done what they wanted.
Banana Republic uses some forms of sales promotion to encourage customers to come in and buy their product. They started their most extensive marketing campaign in 1998, where they had tv spots, magazine inserts ads, and outdoor kiosks. In 2000 they opened their flagship store, an original store in California which included personal shoppers, valet parking and even places to charge your phone. They have many online sales and similar instore sales, especially on Black Friday. Currently that is the company 's way of getting customer attention and promoting their sales along with their customer support and high quality products. Banana Republic encourages shoppers to join their email list and even sign up for a BananaCard. It is a credit card one can use to get points from anywhere with a visa card and after so many points you get more coupons to use. Because Banana Republic is owned by Gap another benefit to the card is that the rewards are applicable in any Gap owned stores (Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic).
However, due to the rising competition and growing innovative efforts, a pricing strategy may need to be revised at some point to assure customer affordability and maintain customer loyalty. Quality is firmly identified with return. Low quality items and benefit decreases consumer loyalty and prompts to regular returns, while great items and administration can fulfill the client and lessen the quantity of profits. In the meantime, top notch items and administration merit high offering costs in light of the fact that higher costs flag better quality (Li, Xu, & Li,
Storytellers are the God of their universe. Seeking atonement for them is nearly impossible without belief in a higher being. In Ian McEwan’s novel Atonement, Briony, a 13 year old fanciful storyteller, misjudges a series of events that have repercussions on the lives of others. Consequently, she spends a lifetime attempting atonement through storytelling. Brian Finney explains that Briony “attempts to use fiction to correct the errors that fiction caused her to commit” (69).
Higher value can attract more customers or increase the profit margin for the value add benefit.
The promotionPromotion is the business of communicating with customers. It will provide information that will assist them in making a decision to purchase a product or service. The pace and creativity of some promotional activities are almost alien to normal business activities.The cost associated with promotion or advertising goods and services often represents a size-able proportion of the overall cost of producing an item. However, successful promotion increases sales so that advertising and other costs are spread over a larger output. Though increased promotional activity is often a sign of a response to a problem such as competitive activity, it enables an organization to develop and build up a succession of messages and can be extremely cost-effective.
It is also generally short-lived; one off incentives intended to provide consumers with that last push to buy. This is the last traditional component of the marketing communication mix that is discussed as part of the marketing communication process. Sales promotion simply refers to purchase incentives that you provide your customer with. These can assume a number of forms including offering free goods or services, coupons and vouchers, gifts and prizes, discounts, money-off, competitions, samples, financial incentives, charitable promotions and any other value-add over and above your standard product or
What is the one thing that all for-profit companies have in common? They must generate sales of their products or services to survive. In order to accomplish this, most companies have a team of sales representatives driving themselves and each other to win the confidence of clients. But just like every sports team needs a coach, every sales team needs a strong and knowledgeable Sales Manager to be successful.