
An Intensity Discrimination Study Search

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An intensity discrimination study searching to find out how many exposures of a stimulus it takes in order for context coding to operate. It was predicted that there would be an increase in the percentage of correct intensity discriminations as the number of trials increased because a roving standard was used which allowed for context coding. Participants were given an intensity discrimination task where two tones of different intensities were presented. Participants were asked to indicate which was louder. Results showed that there was no improvement among any of the 6 trials, thus concluding that context coding did not take place within 6 trials.
Ones discriminatory ability in audition is considered to be the ability to detect a change in a given auditory stimulus whenever one of its dimensions is increased or decreased. One topic in keen interest of research is the role of memory in discriminating sound attributes. A dimension often studied is frequency. To investigate the ability to discriminate frequency, two tones are presented to a listener with an inter-stimulus interval. The listener then indicates which tone is higher in pitch. Changes in interval length is used to investigate the role of memory when discriminating sounds attributes. Anderson (1914) studied inter-stimulus intervals up to 4 seconds in relation to discrimination and concluded that all intervals tested are equally favourable, with a slight deterioration in the 4 second

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