
An Offensive Ad Displaying A Child As A Sexual Object

Decent Essays

My project responds to an offensive ad displaying a child as a sexual object. The ad I found had communicated this sense of pedophilia and that it is acceptable; However, I disagree with that idea. The message my artwork sends is that pedophilia is not okay. I started with generating ideas using a words web and asking random people around me what they thought of when they heard specific words. After I made the web I started to keep a list of any ideas that came to mind for my art project. The list started with a lot of ideas of how to include the symbols into my work and slowly started to become more specific and detailed. I started coming up with ideas such as dressing a teddy bear up as a sexual object and that be my piece and then I thought of the idea of using photography as my media.
My first idea was to use my film camera to photograph a young girl as if I were stalking her throughout the day, then take the film and put it on a light table for the audience to view the photos through a magnifying loop. I really enjoyed the intimacy the viewers would get from being so close to the small photographs on a lit table, and the idea also really put the audience in the perspective of the pedophile. Then I realized a ginormous fault in my plan. I was encouraging pedophilia just as much as the ad was without even realizing it. I needed the girl to gain power throughout the photo series and overcome the traumatic experience. To do this, I thought of having her see the pedophile

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