
Analysis And Evaluation Of Market Demand For Amari Kartini 's Luxury Goods And Jewellery

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1.0 Executive Summary This report provides an analysis and evaluation of market demand for Amari Kartini’s luxury goods and jewellery in United Arab Emirates. The paper will consist of three primary aspects of market analysis; market segment: outlining background and data on Dubai, target market profile: create and analyse a target market and positioning strategy: standardise approach. The report will address the risks concerning export such as: accessibility, growth potential and the consumer’s attitudes towards products, when exporting sustainable luxury goods to a foreign country. Finally, a conclusion following a recommendation will be provided findings and utilise it as a valuable guide to incorporate in the company’s strategies in the future. 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Background Jewellery has been a significant value in our lives for centuries and is often fostered by tradition, cultural background and ethnicity. ‘Amari Kartini,’ a prominent Bali jewellery line, handmade and owned by the traditional Indonesian artisans has extended beyond the realm of adornment to embark on: social customs, stylistic and cultural meanings. Amari Kartini Company has re-invests 70% of its annual profits to achieve it social aim: to branch out into the international financial market. The exotic jewellery line is composed with precious carved gold and unique crystals to symbolise: wealth, power and the reflection of a woman’s desire for natural beauty. Parallel to Dubai, ‘the city of sand to

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