
Analysis Of Cc's Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy

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CC’s corporate social responsibility strategy gives more priorities to the initiatives related to the ‘Doing Business’ stakeholder group. ‘Doing Business’ initiatives like ethics, regulatory compliance, quality of service and information security are given the highest importance as these have the highest potentials to impact CC’s success and sustainability. Environment initiatives like carbon emission and business travels have the least import in this firm’s CSR strategies.

Description of the adopted CSR-response to the CC various stakeholders
Doing Business
In doing business, the firm continues to create and sustain established market-shaping practices in relation to ethics, professional standards and risk management in order to build …show more content…

Some adopted strategies here include;
• Created a group of change champions that represented different functional areas. These champions were deeply involved in identifying the working needs of their team members. This created a new work environment that was more relaxed, and people became more efficient and more productive.
• To promote a healthy lifestyle for its people, CC participated in a Global Corporate Challenge where staffs were tasked with walking 10,000 steps every day for 100 days. The challenge was to help the CC people take steps towards a healthier lifestyle while also encouraging teamwork

The firm partners to support its community by widening access to justice, finance and education to benefits its clients, this is to strengthen collaboration relationships and broaden client experience. At CC, everyone is encouraged to voluntarily offer their skills and time to support those in need. The firm’s pro bono and outreach programs are partnered with over 16 NGOs and some community partners globally through the provision of funding (through the CC foundation), free professional and legal services to help the organisations achieve their objectives.

At CC, the firm manages its footprint and contributes to developing a more sustainable environment to meet expectations of an eco-friendly sustainability. With this, the firm demonstrates commitments to environmental issues. As a law firm with

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