
Analysis Of Crazy Corporation

Decent Essays

The first website I choose is called Crazy Corporation located in Japan; it is a wedding specialty business. The site is styled in a parallax design, with a hamburger menu. The Welcome or Home page invites visitors to explore the site, by clicking on the nav-bar in the right corner, which opens to a page where you can choose where you want to go. This style establishes what content is available for you to visit, from the about us page, to the contact page, the site easily directs you from this one page to another. Each page contains all of the content that is needed for you understand what it has to offer, a message from the CEO, and a look at those who work for the company and their qualification. You are not going from one page to …show more content…

This is a simple, but well put together site. A simple nav-bar sits in the header on the right-hand side while the company logo graces the left. The welcome page consists of a transparent image with a by-line. It invites you to either play the trailer movie or scroll down. Below are images to click to find out more about the individuals in the picture. Because the nav-bar is at the top it is easy to go from one page to another, thereby allowing you to find the contact information, the about, and the stories. I would say the only thing that I think is redundant on the site, is the fact that they have a stories tab and an explore tab, both of which does the same thing. Eliminating one of them would stream line the site. Design elements from the font to the color scheme to the layout of images flow uniformly, giving you a feeling of what the site is all about, highlighting individual tales of how their lives ended up in a homeless situation. The images are what leads you to their tales. There are few things I would change, like how some text sit on a page, and removing the extra menu to get to the information. I think that giving visitors an opportunity to share the stories via social media is a great idea, and can be considered a call to action. Also, you have the chance to either listen or watch the interview. According to the author, who is a graphic designer, offers that the goal of the site is not to

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