
Analysis Of Donovan Campbell 's ' A New York Times Bestselling Author

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Donovan Campbell, a New York Times Bestselling author as well as a former Captain of the United States Marine Corps offers unique insight on what it means and what it takes to become a remain a strong leader; in fact, he offers 8 chapters of insight, each one representing a different key concept on leadership. Each concept is different, however each one builds onto one another as the book progresses. While reading this book, I took careful notes on each concept as well as how I could incorporate each one into my own life. The first concept is mission. Campbell opens this chapter by telling a story about his time in the Marine Corps. The point of his anecdote was that understanding his own mortality is what helped him strive to do …show more content…

“Humility is not denying that we are good at or have done a good job on things.” Campbell says that if we do that then we lose a realistic view of ourselves, which is what humility really is. When trying to think about how this could apply to my current life, the best example I thought of what working on group projects in school. When I thought about Campbell’s words and then applied them to that situation, I felt I understood what he was saying. When working in a group, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. If I know that I could use one of my strengths to help the project, then denying that I could do a good job will only hurt the team in the end. Instead, by utilizing that skill properly, the team will benefit. and having a realistic view of the teams strengths, then we could all use them to help the project. After reading Campbell’s chapter on humility, I understood that everyone acknowledging their own strengths and weaknesses is much better than everyone putting themselves down to try to appear humble. The term “excellence” is daunting. If you asked me, before I read this book, how I could achieve excellence daily, I would have told you simply: I can’t. Before reading the chapter about the third pillar of leadership, I thought that excellence was something reserved only for great presidents, and people in the military

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