
My Leadership Philosophy Of The United States Air Force

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The intention of this paper is to introduce my leadership philosophy. I will start off defining leadership as well as explaining my leadership philosophy. I will then share a summary of an interview with a Squadron Commander about a difficult situation that he needed to use his philosophy to work through and analyze how my philosophy applies to the same situation followed by a brief summary.
There are numerous definitions of the word “leadership” and it can mean many things to many people. For the purpose of this assignment I feel the best definition of leadership is “…the art and science of motivating, influencing, and directing airmen to understand and accomplish the Air Force mission in joint warfare."1 When taking over a new command it …show more content…

I believe without integrity as the cornerstone in building any relationships, higher levels of productivity cannot be obtained and ultimately with crumble. It is important for your people to trust that you have their interests and goals at heart while also laying out clear expectations early on in your command and trusting, yet verifying all parties are meeting expectations. Throughout my life and previous experiences I have witnessed firsthand how cohesive units are when these values are incorporated into leadership philosophies and have also seen how detrimental it is to the unit if they are not incorporated. An additional layer to integrity is that I would never ask of others what I would or could not do myself. Nothing will alienate a follower quicker than a leader who is unwilling to work as hard as or demonstrate that they are willing to get in the trenches with the people they are leading.
For my interview, I interviewed a peer who is a squadron commander at Grand Forks Air Force Base, ND4. He stated his most challenging leadership issue came about early on in his command. Within the first six weeks of his command, seven of his Airmen failed their PT tests. One of these failures was an Airman facing a medical evaluation board due to several back surgeries. The commander states he was sympathetic to his situation but he had to remain tough since it was

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