
Analysis Of Elizabeth Cady Stanton 's Poem, I Do Love You Lizzie !

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I read both factual, and relevant information that was supported and developed throughout the novel. I enjoyed the fact that the author used actual quotes, and dialogue from letters between Elizabeth and her husband Henry which created a sense of reality. Ginzberg included a letter that stated, ‘“I do love you Lizzie!” he was from Boston. “‘Will you forgive all my coldness & unkindness”’ (48). The author was extremely knowledgeable and had many sources for the information presented. There was an abundance of research included, I found that the book had many different sources where the information came from, in the works cited of the book the author provided a bibliography for all of the sources that were incorporated into the book and many were included. The author used a variety of different sources to provide the necessary information. I read a lot of in dept detail that explained Elizabeth Cady Stanton 's life accurately. The authors presentation was expressed effectively, the text was engaging, focused, and to the point. All of the information included was organized clearly, and in an order that was simple to follow. The events of the book were in chronological order which was extremely helpful and was a lot easier to follow along, the events flowed properly and made sense. Since the events happened in a specific time and order it made reading worth while. The information was concise, but included every detail that needed to be stated about Elizabeth. The author’s style

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