
Analysis Of Hands By Xiao Hong

Decent Essays

In the short story “Hands” by Xiao Hong, the main character, Wang Yaming, experiences this sort of pain in her boarding school. In this story, the main character is being tormented by students and staff because of her black, stained hands. Her hands are this way because, she is the dyer’s daughter and wants to make ends so she can afford to go to school. When fellow classmates and the Principal of Wang Yaming criticized her for her hands, it made depictions of how people will treat you unfairly because of your flaws. Judgment towards someone based off of looks is unacceptable, since you don’t know who the person really is.
First, we notice how the other students reacted towards Wang Yaming, their judgment towards her is unbearable. When a student insulted her, she said, “As far as I’m concerned,” she said, “this won’t do at all. It’s unsanitary. Who wants to be with her, with those vermin all over her body?” (Hong 172). After looking through the short story, it shows that the author is explaining that flaws are usually a source of humiliation and bullying. When a group of Wang Yaming’s classmates disapproved of her sleeping in their dormitory, some said that, “She’s got lice, I’m not going to sleep next to her,” and “I’m not going to either” (Hong 173). Based off of reading a small part of the short story, it shows that the author is explaining that trying to fit in is not always easy and the flaws and weaknesses a person has will play a role.
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