
Analysis Of Howard Gardner On Multiple Intelligences

Decent Essays

Intelligence is the mental capacity to learn and use knowledge in different situations, which in this case is learning the in the classroom, and can affect how well a student performs in a certain class. Intelligence also has a biological foundation, which means that the potential for a child to reach full mental capacity is determined by his or her genetics. However, intelligence is not completely biologically deterministic because the nurturing of the child can also affect how intelligent he or she can become, which can also take part in the classroom. Students have their strengths and weaknesses in certain subject areas and it is believed that if merit pay is implemented, and this is taken into consideration when learning the classroom, then their performance will increase. The idea of strengths and weaknesses in certain subject areas is supported by previous research done by Howard Gardner on multiple intelligences. He has defined eight distinct intelligences that can determine these strengths and weaknesses in the classroom. These intelligences include: linguistic, being word smart, naturalist, being nature smart, musical, being sound smart, visual-spatial, being picture smart, bodily-kinesthetic, being body smart, interpersonal, being people smart, intrapersonal, being self smart, and logical-mathematical, being pattern smart (Myers & Dewall, 2015). In the classroom, the intelligences that would be focused on a lot are logical-mathematical, linguistic, musical, and

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