
Analysis Of Microserfs By Douglas Coupland

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Experiences shared with other people provided important knowledge that helps people find their place in the world. The novel, Microserfs by Douglas Coupland displays these traits by having the reader follow the diary of Daniel Underwood as he starts to wonder if life has more meaning than just working. Firstly, love helps a person understand to improve oneself, that they always have a person to talk too and that love can make people cherish each other. Secondly, Loss can impact people by having them deny about the loss, accept the loss and remember the loss. Finally, friendships help people understand that there is more to life than work, friends are always there to help that friends can provide a comfortable environment. The experience …show more content…

Lastly, love can help people cherish one another. This is depicted when Daniel and Karla are at the park at night spending time together, while Karla is sleeping Daniel whispers ‘“ You’re my baby now: you’re a thousand diamonds - a handful of lovers rings - chalk for a million hopscotch games”’(101). This provides evidence that love helps people cherish each other because after Daniel and Karla spend some time to get to know each other they really get close to each other, Daniel feels that she is someone who he really cares about and would hate to lose letting Daniel know what it feels like to have somebody so precious. As stated above, the experience of love helps people understand the importance of others by providing them information about improving oneself, having someone you can tell anything too and cherishing someone.
Secondly, Loss of something important can teach people about denial, acceptance, and remembrance. To start, the experience of loss can teach people about denial, this is exhibited early in the novel when Daniel is on the phone with his mom talking about Jed and he states that “She calls because she wants to speak about Jed, but none of us in the family are able. We kind of erased

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