
Analysis Of Oedipus The King

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Those who believe they can triumph over fate deserve to be crushed by the overwhelming weight of reality that will come crashing down on them. Ordinarily confidence yields benefit in moderation, however, it proves damaging when used excessively. Oedipus the King was written by Sophocles thousands of years ago as a cautionary tale about hubris. As a king, Oedipus rules over the city of Thebes with an arrogant attitude and believes that he can defy the gods. Through the events of the novella, Oedipus lost everything after uncovering that he killed his father and had children with his mother. Conversely the real downfall of Oedipus came from his pride and failure to handle the situation carefully. Oedipus fills the archetype of tragic …show more content…

He could have saved himself a lot of grief if he had used this information to his advantage and exiled himself right then and there. Tiresias even warned that “wisdom is a dreadful thing when it brings no profit to the possessor” (Sophocles 23). Once again Oedipus could have listened to the prophet or at least payed closer attention. There was no part in the prophecy that said anyone would even find out about it. If this information was used correctly, he could have left Thebes using some excuse and prevented people from finding out the truth that led him to suffer.
Oedipus may have deserved some of the punishment he was given, but the extent which he received rouses pity from the characters and audience alike. At the climax of the story Oedipus stated, “'I stand revealed- born in shame, married in shame, an unnatural murderer'” (Sophocles 88). After this realization he comes to admit the nature of his existence and no longer attempts to subvert the will of the Gods. His brother-in-law comes to pity him saying “I have not come to mock you, Oedipus, nor reproach you for the wrong you did. If you have no respect for the feelings of human beings at least show some for the sunlight, which nourishes them all” (Sophocles 101). Creon shows pity for Oedipus and all he has done, including accusing him of conspiring to take his place as king. He also directs the people on how they should respond to Oedipus and his predicament. The inescapability of

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