
Analysis Of Remember The Titans

Decent Essays

In the movie “Remember the Titans”; directed by Boaz Yakin, one of the main characters, Gerry Bertier is injured in a car crash. Following the accident the football team goes to see him in the hospital. The Scene begins as Julius Campbell enters the hospital to see Gerry. This scene shows the audience how far Gerry and Julius’ relationship has developed since the beginning of the film. The scene also highlights the themes of racism as Gerry and Julius have been able to set aside their differences like skin colour and form a bond over their mutual passion of football. The director would have used this scene as it showed the audience that even though they have differences, the players still treat each other with respect. This essay will analyse the use of the mid-shot, sound effects, dialogue and acting in this scene. …show more content…

It is used at the beginning of the scene when Julius and Coach Boone are talking about Gerry’s condition. The mid-shot allows the director to show the reaction of both characters when they are talking about Gerry’s injuries. We can see that Coach Boone tries to avoid looking at Julius because he knows the bad news he has to tell him. We can also see that Julius is acting anxiously as he is moving around a lot which shows the audience how desperate he is to find out about Gerry. The director uses this shot which shows Julius’ desperation to know would have made the audience very nervous and tense as they would have also wanted to find out. The use of sound effects like slow music in the background would have added to the atmosphere of the hospital and possibly foreshadowed the seriousness of Gerry’s

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