
Analysis Of ' Save The Date '

Good Essays

Zine Reflection

‘Save the Date – June 18, 2021” was a zine about the pressures and struggles a woman with Asian heritage has to go through. The story was told from an Indian-Canadian female who is in her early 20’s as someone who is born and raised in Canada. The starts with a picture of a text message commenting, stating that friendships last longer than relationships. As the zine continues it goes to explain the reasoning as to why friendships are better, with the constant criticism from friends and family of finding someone who’s good enough for them, which essentially means good enough for you. The pages continue to my fear of being alone, the conversation around superstition with the idea of wearing a ring on the ring finger and …show more content…

These two perspectives are conflicting for a lot of South Asian girls out there who grew up in a traditional household. Brown women, particularly South Asian/Arab women grow up in a household where gender roles are apparent and highly active. When you are living in a household that still practices patriarchy to some degree you are expected to perform to that standard and a lot of that standard has to do with the fact that women are believed to have no individual agency. They are valued in relation to what they are to men and/ or family. For a father to know his daughter is going to be okay he is expected to pass her along to another man (husband) to take care of her. For a woman to want to leave her parents’ house she has to have a husband; the idea of a woman leaving her parents’ home to live on her own is "inappropriate" based on their culture. Women are pressured to get married because that is the only way the patriarch can comfortably let go of his daughter. As for the woman that gets older, leaves and still doesn 't settle down, she 's considered to be promiscuous or inappropriate or is viewed as a woman that doesn 't understand cultural values. Due to this ‘lack’ of cultural values, she is she is frowned upon or shunned depending on the severity of beliefs in the family and the community.

In the west, this becomes very difficult for South Asian/Arab women when with their peers because

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