
Analysis Of The Article ' How Stress Causes Disease '

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The article “How Stress Causes Disease” explains how I became ill recently (Carnegie Mellon University, 2012). My boss called with a proposed job status change for me from full time to part time which would mean a loss of benefits and 50% cut in pay. The thought of losing my job devastated me not only because it pays my bills, but because I love what I do. Facing this situation has made it difficult to concentrate and sleep. My appetite diminished and I had a hard time eating. I cried and my mood was very sad. I fell ill within 3 weeks of receiving the news of this life altering event. My body was more vulnerable to illness because my immune system was less sensitive to the cortisol levels over time, allowing the inflammation to go unchecked, causing illness to attack my body (Carnegie Mellon University, 2012).
I am a conscientious student, and I put an extreme amount of effort into my studies to achieve a 4.0 in my courses. I know that I am more sensitive to stress after reading the article “How to Predict Who Will Suffer the Most From Stress” (Concordia University, 2014). My heart pounds whenever I complete graded assignments because I know that I must perform well to obtain the marks I strive for in the class. This biological response, if monitored by scientists, would confirm this personal stress risk.
I am at high risk for illness from a score of 438 on the Holmes and Rahe stress assessment (Mind Tools, 2015). Steps I can take to decrease my stress can

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