
Analysis Of The Book ' Lien '

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First impressions are everything. When people hear this phrase, many will often associate it with meeting new people. However, this concept can just as easily be applied to literature. Authors put great care into how they describe a character or a setting because the reader has nothing but words off of which to base their perception. This can be problematic if the author is not able to create a compelling enough picture in the reader’s mind, but it can also be used to the author’s advantage, often by tricking the reader with their words into believing something, and then revealing it to be the opposite. This story, “Lien,” was created with the intention of exploring the way people perceive reality and how they decide on the true nature of their surroundings, which is accomplished through the use of geographical concepts, intertextual examples found in famous fictional pieces, and descriptive language. In the overall narrative, the main character is lost and is trying to find his way back home. Both he and the readers are never supposed to be sure if he is awake, dreaming, or a little bit of both, which relates to the uncertainty and tricks played by the unconscious, both of which are brought up by the movie, Inception. In this movie, the subject of a dream often does not realize that he is in one, which is a concept the authors of the overall narrative are trying to imitate (“Inception” 2010). In the process of trying to return home, the protagonist ends up at in

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