
Analysis Of The Cartoon ' I See Characters Like Uncle Sam '

Decent Essays

In the cartoon, I see characters like Uncle Sam, the recently acquired territories of the Philippines, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. Next, I see other states and territories that were acquired earlier like California, Texas, Mexico, Arizona, and Alaska. Lastly, I see African American, Native American, and China.

The symbols and actions that the artist employs in the political cartoon is the racist exaggeration. First, the classroom symbolizes reform for new territories to be more civilized and self-govern themselves based on the U.S. government standards. Second, Uncle Sam (i.e. the U.S. government) the schoolmaster leaning forward behind his desk with a pointer (rod) lecturing to new territories that “you’ve got to learn these lessons …show more content…

Seventh, symbolism a plaque above the door states “The Confederate
States refused their consent to be governed, but the union was preserved without their consent.” Eighth symbolism is the Native American child wearing his tribal feathers on his head as well as a blanket wrapped around his shoulders trying to read an “ABC” book upside down by the door. Ninth symbolism is the Chinese child wearing native clothing holding a book walking towards the classroom. Tenth final symbolism is the African American child wearing well-dressed clothes with a goofy look on his face washing a window behind Uncle Sam.

The cartoon raises issues of dominance, racist bias, and paternalism. These issues were used to legitimize the rise in imperialism during this political cartoon. First issues were dominance because of influence over the states and territories (i.e. California, Texas, Mexico, Arizona and Alaska) that the U.S. has had for a while now are labeled “the modeled students” that eventually became civilized. The second issue was racist bias because of “the model students” are portrayed as white, perpetuating the idea that White-Americans superiority was more civilized and governed better. However, dark-skinned people have portrayed two different ways. For example, African Americans and Native Americans were portrayed stupid because one had a

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