
Analysis Of The Odissi Dance From Dominican Republic

Decent Essays

Luisanny Molina
Professor Damayanthi
Indian Dance
Due : 6 January 2017
Differences Bring You Closer
For centuries upon centuries, dance has been used as a form as expression. Whether it be religiously to please and entertain the gods, or as a form of entertainment for the townspeople, dance has brought joy to countless people. Because dance doesn’t leave a written history trail it is assumed, but not proven, to have originated over 2500 years ago. However, dance continues to evolve even today. Take for example the odissi dance from India that is almost two thousand years old versus the bachata dance from Dominican Republic that is only about 50 years old. Both of these dances originated in complete separate parts of the world at very …show more content…

Odissi dance was held to a very high esteem not only by commoners, for even royalty were expected to be great dancers of this kind. However, as a sensual dance of great passion, love, and joy, it doesn’t come to be a great surprise that after the 17th century odissi dance took a turn for the worse. The dancers went from being admired to being known as prostitutes and whores; it was a dark time for odissi dance as it came very close to being extinct. Nevertheless, India Independence Day marked an enormous change due the recognition that culture and dance was essential to unifying India once again. Many individuals then set out to revive odissi dance for the better (Nirmal). Odissi dance has since then taken on many different forms and has even split into three different schools: mahari, nartaki, and gotipua. Mahari dance is the traditional form of odissi used in rituals; narthaki dance was developed in the royal courts; and gotipua dance is the form of odissi where males wear female costumes and assume those roles (Courtney).
One of the main differences between these dances is the purpose and symbolism. While odissi dance has been used for entertainment it is a classical temple dance. It is used in rituals and has originally been created for the Divine, bachata on the other hand is the complete opposite. It symbolizes freedom from one of the worst dictatorships Dominican Republic has ever seen and a freedom of speech they

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