
Analysis Of The Poem ' Bacchus Discovering Ariadne '

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Jacob Jordaens, Bacchus Discovering Ariadne, late 1640’s

This painting that I have found while venturing the Museum of Fine Arts has definitely caught my eye for infinite reasons. Bacchus Discovering Ariadne by Jacob Jordaens was definitely a painting that has a story, but the thing is, there isn’t much about it, which is a challenge. Most of the focus in this painting is set on Ariadne and the meeting between her and Bacchus. Not only that but the painting, and all other paintings associated with this myth, focus on the shift from divine perfection to humanity that is found in Renaissance and Baroque artwork. The oil painting made by Jacob Jordaens tells the story of Ariadne, the princess of Crete, being deserted on the Island of Naxos by Theseus, the Athenian prince who she helped escape from her father’s labyrinth. Bacchus, whom is the god of wine, and his satyrs discover her, and he falls in love with Ariadne. As a testimony of his devotion he holds up her crown, which he will then toss into the heavens to create a constellation in her honor. In this painting he shows Ariadne as an extremely feminine figure that’s not only fair but regarded as beautiful The body of Bacchus is sculpted showing the muscles in his legs and throughout the rest of his body. But the contrast in this painting is striking. The contrast of this painting lies between the structural elements of Bacchus and of the three satyrs that have accompanied him. These satyrs are in dim lighting and less

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