
Analysis Of The Quest Market

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Quest markets itself in a different manner than most companies in the industry. Mr. Green told us, “News in south central Pennsylvania spreads like wildfire.” By this he means it spreads fairly quickly by word-of-mouth. This is a powerful tool and the geographic area Quest does most of its business in allows the company to omit marketing or advertising - with the exception of word of mouth. Aside from minimal advertising through conferences and giveaways, this is almost strictly how Quest relies on the company to be advertised. It has been working well for the past 20 years (R. Green, Personal Communication, September 6, 2017 ).
The members of Quest, as well as their owners, both take roles in advertising. If a member has a particularly …show more content…

There are three main categories in which Quest is striving to improve and grow. These categories are: Membership, Information Technology, and Clinical and Utilization (R. Green, Personal Communication, September 7, 2017). Increasing and retaining membership is being done now and will ensure that Quest is maintaining a steady revenue stream and growing consistently. They plan on increasing membership by 30,000 members through several facets. Increasing sales is the primary focus in achieving this goal. Up-selling EAP clients to Administration of Benefits and gaining members from owner mergers are an integral part in expanding membership (R. Green, Personal Communication, September 7, 2017). Retaining and increasing sales can be done though great customer service, as well.
Retaining customers is one of the most important goals that will allow Quest to continue generating revenue and this is largely done by the success of their customer service. Quest considers customer service to be a major strength and a competitive advantage they have in the industry (R. Green, Personal Communication, September 7, 2017). By maintaining high standards for the PHDs and MDs in the call center, customers will be given excellent service and obtain everything they need to be satisfied by Quest.
Quest recently hired a new care management team member to keep up with the expansion of customers through the mergers the owners have recently gone

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