
Analysis Of The Teen Brain

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Do your parents seem to just not understand you anymore? Is the distance becoming a problem in your everyday life? You’re not alone, and it isn’t your fault. Because the teen brain differs from the adult brain, adults should try to be more understanding with their teenagers, due to the amount of stress they endure each day. It’s time to end the traditional struggle between almost-adults and adults! An obvious reason adults struggle to cope with their teen’s ever-changing, abstruse moods and attitudes is that there is an underlying misunderstanding. This may be that adults do not recognize all that the teen has to deal with in one day. Adults think that since they’ve got a job and they make money that what their teen does is not a sufficient reason to feel stressed. This is not true, though. There are many stress factors in the average teens daily life, such as: sports, relationships, tests and schoolwork, and possibly bullying. News flash: the adult’s attitude toward the situation does not help it in any way. Parent’s austere ways are unneeded and often quite childish. …show more content…

Studies from a video titled The Amazing Brain, show that it is because teens use a different part of the brain to make decisions. Teens use the amygdala, which relies on instinct rather than reason. Adults brains are the exact opposite. They use the frontal cortex, which uses more reason than instinct. With this said, teens do not force themselves to act foolish. It is a natural reaction! But do adults naturally decide that they should scold and punish teens for simple mistakes? No, how they react to our mistakes is a choice. A sometimes uncalled for choice, I might

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