
Analysis of Two Advertisements From Magazines Essay

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Analysis of Two Advertisements From Magazines I have chosen adverts that are both aimed at teenagers, as this is the biggest market, and the one companies make most money from. As I am a teenager I can identify with the target audience and therefore decide whether the adverts successfully target their audiences. The two adverts I choose to analyse were very different; although they were both aimed at the same target audience, they used different persuasive techniques to attract and convince their audience to buy their product. We live in a capitalist society; all the time products are being sold to us through all the different media; like television, radio and magazines, it is the …show more content…

The aspect of the photograph is taken from behind the bar, there are a few people dancing in the background, and there is a fire escape door. At the front of the picture there are two women, they are the main focus of the photograph and they are sitting at the marble bar. The women are wearing going-out clothes, one has a boob tube on and a sparkly silver bag, the other has a dress on, this tells the readers Secret Weapon make up is for going out. The one wearing the boob tube surrounded by men has Secret Weapon lip gloss on, there is a tube of Secret Weapon lip gloss on the bar which has orange juice on it, it stands out because it’s orange, blue and purple; the colours are a lot brighter than the background, the men are all in smart shirts . The slogan is humorous even though it is written as if it was a government warning; they are using jealousy to get people’s attention. The woman who is not wearing Secret Weapon lip gloss is pouring orange juice into her bag because she is jealous that the other woman is getting all the attention from the men. The advert is about being popular and people liking and loving you and if they don’t you feel left out and insecure. Jealousy is a common trait in girls and women, so the advert is using that knowledge to get people to buy their product. The advertiser is trying to make you think that ‘Secret Weapon make-up

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