
Analysis of Wedgewood´s The Thirty Years War Essay

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Wedgwood, C.V. The Thirty Years War. London: Lowe & Brydone Ltd, 1938. Print. It is difficult to determine when the Thirty Years War really began. Ultimately, a culmination of events led to the tension between the countries of the Ottoman Empire. Prior to the war’s beginning on May 23, 1618, Europe was in a state of religious, political, and imperial turmoil. The Lutherans, Catholics, and Calvinists were all competing for religious dominance. Political leaders tried to advocate for their religions in the elections. There was much controversy regarding the new kings of Bohemia and political stress between the Bourbons and the Hapsburgs. War was …show more content…

Although Wedgwood mentions the incident, she doesn’t emphasize it being a huge turning point with regard to the conflicts in Germany. “The extraordinary chance which had saved three lives was a holy miracle or a comic accident according to the religion of the beholder, but it had no political significance (Wedgwood p. 79).” The “Denfenstration of Prague” is the initial event that instigated the tension because it was a rebellion. People became angry and fought for what they thought was right. Frederick and Ferdinand began to raise their own armies by asking for help from other European countries. Ferdinand received assistance from Maximilian of Bavaria. In Western Civilizaton, it also mentions him getting help from Spain. He ensured this help by promising Frederick’s lands to them. Wedgwood explains that this could be considered unconstitutional according to the Peace of Augsburg. Ferdinand signed this document declaring that “German liberties” would be observed in 1555. This means that each country can have its own religion if it’s Catholic or Lutheran and that they are the Electors for the empire. If the German princes do not consent to the impeachment of Frederick as Bohemian king, then giving the land away is stealing. Frederick asked England for support, especially since he was married to the English King’s daughter Elizabeth. Unfortunately, the king had declined any

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