
Analytical and Communications Skills

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Analytical and Written Communication Skills Rick Stoker CNSL/502- Graduate Portfolio 1 March 02, 2013 University of Phoenix Beth Combs Analytical and Written Communication Skills I was instructed by the facilitator to prepare a 10-page paper demonstrating my analytical and written communication skills. I was also instructed to explain my reasons for seeking a counseling degree. These reasons must be rational and well thought out. There are at least three reasons for me seeking a counseling degree. I must admit, not all three reasons are very noble. Nevertheless these are the true reasons which caused me to truly consider and then seek a counseling degree. * Past transgressions. * The need to be effective and serve as a …show more content…

My goal is to learn, acquire, and maintain the knowledge that will allow me to be a leader, and also be competitive in my chosen field. Compare and Contrast At this time I will do my best to compare and contrast my personality characteristics with commonly accepted counselor characteristics, more specifically the personality characteristics of Carl Rogers. I am convinced Carl Rogers and myself share three of the same personality characteristics. These three are: * Genuineness. * Unconditional Positive Regard * Empathy Carl Rogers’s contributions to therapy are universal. Nevertheless his therapy has been renamed twice. First it was called non-directive. Rogers understood that therapist should not lead the client, rather allow the clients to direct the progress of the therapy. After depending on his valuable experience, he understood that, by his very"non-directiveness the client was nevertheless influenced. So client-centered became the name that Rogers used. Rogers’s feelings were that the counselor should not be the one to say what the issues are; rather, the counselor should allow the client to state what the real issues are. The clients’ therapy was still "client-centered"even while he acknowledged the impact of the therapist. According to Trull, T. (2005), other therapists ask a very interesting question, isn’t most therapies

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