
Analyzing Charlotte Perkins Gilb's 'God Answers Prayers'

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God Answers Prayers
The story takes place in Los Angeles, California in the 1980s and starts off with a young Mexican boy called Erick who lives with his mom. He has an aspiration to play baseball and he also prays that his mom would find the perfect man. The author portrays Erick to be a quiet kid who would never spoke “Erick said nothing” (Gilb 2). This makes it hard for both readers and characters in the story like his mom to know exactly how he felt because he never really expressed himself. Erick wants nothing but happiness for his mom. She falls in love with Roque. Roque isn’t rich but was the type of man Erick wanted for her. One that would love her for who she was and not take advantage of her like the men she previously dated. An important word that stands out to me in “Uncle Rock” is proudest used in “Roque was the proudest man, full of joy because he was with her. It wasn’t his fault he …show more content…

He also doesn’t like the men that she has relationships with because even though they have money and own business, they don’t love his mom and aren’t treating her like the woman she is. The author gives us a little bit of background information about where Erick is from and the living conditions when he says, “They didn’t have electricity. Sometimes they didn’t have enough food” (Gilb 3). This makes us understand how tough life was to them and why his mother is doing what she can to find a man that will love and take care of them. She later realizes that finding someone you feel at ease around and happy with is the ultimate for of happiness. Roque was there for her when everything failed and was able to put a smile on her face. Making Erick’s mom happy makes Roque proud which also makes Erick happy to see his mom finally found someone she was happy with. Erick wouldn’t have to see her with anyone that would break her

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