
Anatomy Reflection

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What went wrong
As with other PA faculties, you may be aware of the general complaints made by the first year PA students about the Anatomy course. I do know my classmates were affected different; however, these were my own personal challenges with the Anatomy course:

• Disorganization of course material o Class reading assignments did not match Lecture o Lecture PowerPoints were not provided despite request from several students. It was usually provided a couple of days before the test. This shortened the time to study, memorize and focus on the necessary anatomical structures.

• Lack of guidance on how to study the information presented
- As recommended during the PA orientation, I read the assigned readings for my courses; however, for anatomy, this exercise quickly became futile only because it did not contribute to helping to understand lectures provided in class. With voluminous reading assignments, many times, the anatomy lecture focused little or none from the information in the textbook. Lectures mostly presented anatomical structures and so focus on images were paramount. Therefore, the reading did little to help understand lecture material if one is not familiar enough with the anatomical structures. While this was the case, the PowerPoints with the anatomical structures were not provided.

• Insufficient & consistent guidance in the Anatomy Cadaver lab
- Initially there was no tutoring and/or review sessions for the lab. Many of us were confused and

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