
Anger Definition

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Anger is a natural emotion. Mild forms of anger include displeasure, irritation or dislike. Anger can come as a reaction to criticism, threat, or frustration. This is usually a healthy response. Anger may be a secondary response to feeling sad, lonely or frightened. Anger is similar to other emotions in that it manifests itself by physiological and biological changes. When someone gets angry they can have an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, as well as energy levels, and adrenaline. Anger is different than other emotions in a lot of ways. It is motivating. Anger's purpose is to push you to protect yourself. Anger gives you energy. It drives you to engage, not withdraw, as most other emotions do. Anger never stands alone. Anger is …show more content…

You feel hurt, overlooked, targeted or mistreated. Anger isn't just an emotion, it's a constellation of emotions.
There are always layers of feelings underneath it, feeding it. Anger seeks a target. This is what makes anger so easy to misdirect. It may erupt at the wrong person. Anger can be turned inward or outward. Sometimes directing our anger at its true target can be acutely uncomfortable. This is when we are at risk for turning our anger inward.
There are a lot of triggers to anger. Some of the common ones are grief and sadness, rudeness, tiredness, and hunger. Grief and sadness can be caused by the loss of family, friends or other loved ones. Rudeness can be from poor interpersonal skills and/or poor service. People may have shorter tempers and be more irritable when tired. And everyone gets "hangry", angry when they are hungry. Nearly everyone experiences anger. Stress is an experience that has been shown to underlie angry feelings. People who have been through a tragedy seem to be angry more often. Women tend to get angry easier, but get over it faster. Men are more likely to have hostile emotions. Younger people have higher levels of anger than older people.

Anger is a response, and people who have an angry

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